How much meat will I get from the cow I buy?

There is not a straight answer for this question since cows put weight on like people. Some are naturally trim, others can really pack on the layered insulation. Grass-fed beef will always be leaner and less fatty than grain-fed or grain-finished beef. Generally, you can estimate that 40% of the live weight will be what you may be able to take home in beef. For example, in one of our recently processed cattle, he weighed in at 945 lbs live weight. Our customer ordered half a cow and was able to take home 215 pounds of beef.

I don’t want ground beef, can I get all steaks instead?

No. When you buy any portion of a cow, you will receive some steak cuts, some roasts and some ground beef. The butcher can be the best in the world, but will not be able to turn every piece of the cow into a steak. In a whole cow, you will get roughly 33% steaks, 33% roasts and 33% ground beef. If you would like to stock up on steak, consider purchasing individual cuts. We have what you’re looking for.

Can I buy individual cuts of beef?

Yes, see our price list for $ per pound on the individual cuts of beef.